Thursday, August 27, 2015

the end and the beginning

last week, after a year an a half of looking for work, a year of being mostly unemployed, and three more unanswered resume submissions, i reached a point i've never reached in my life. it wasn't avoidance or procrastination. i didn't feel depressed or sad or at the end of my rope emotionally. i was just done. done done done. after a seemingly interminable period of struggle and great weariness, my ability to continue came to a sudden, sharp end. i simply couldn't make myself do any more.
fortunate, then, that i had an upcoming interview with whole foods. though it felt like a last-ditch effort, a bandaid on a bullet wound, it is literally the only door that has opened. so i move forward willingly, gratefully into a new reality.
though it's not what i dreamed for my next step, i take comfort in simple details: no getting up before 6 a.m., a two mile commute, wearing what i want, a discount on fabulous food, time to work on my own stuff, new friendships, health insurance...and best of all, i can QUIT LOOKING!